Hire a Virtual Assistant to Help you with your Systems & Automations
You don’t need to be a system and automation expert to succeed in business. In fact, doing so will slow your growth! Let our experiences VAs integrate your online systems, troubleshoot payment processing issues, implement email campaign automations, and other technical upkeep!
Processes and Procedures Got You Down? We Can Help!
If you’re struggling with your business processes and could use some help re-organizing procedures, we can help you with your internal systems at an affordable rate. Sometimes, the pressure that businesses are faced with comes from the lack of proper systems and procedures. With today’s technology, there’s a lot that any business (even a startup) can automate to save time.
Manage Business Systems with a Virtual Assistant
How can you get the help you need without going over your budget? Simple! You can use an experienced virtual assistant to manage your systems. From simple process automation to campaign implementation, to assistance with your e-Commerce website, there’s a lot your virtual assistant can help your business achieve.
Why Hire a Systems & Automation Virtual Assistant?
✅Improve the responsiveness of your site: The right VA can help improve the overall responsiveness and user experience of your website. Instead of paying in-house staff, you can engage a VA on a part-time basis and save money while also getting better results.
✅Improve the ranking of your page: The better a visitor's experience is when they go to your site, the higher the chances of search engine bots crawling and indexing your website on the first page.
✅Improve your SEO: All successful content marketing efforts manifest as improved organic ranking on search results. With good content going out regularly along with SEO best practices, you will begin to see the results of your VA’s work in no time at all.
How Can Virtual Assistants Help With Your Systems?
- Integrate your online payment forms with XERO, Stripe, Paypal, etc.
- Project manage a new website build/rebuild with web teams
- Create a pop-up box on your website
- Create a Hello Bar across the top of your website.
- Add a Live Chat feature to your website and manage it daily
- Create an automated email response containing a link to the FAQ page for emails that come in via the website contact form (or some other avenue you choose)
- Research systems to create automated webinars online
- Research systems to automate parts of your business to free up even more time
- Research useful widgets for your website and add them
- Optimize your site for all devices, including mobile phones
Secret To Success When Working With A Virtual Assistant
When getting started with a Virtual Assistant you should make your first priority to align expectations. For example, if you have hired a part-time VA, but are tasking them with more than 30 hours of work each week, then you may end up frustrated at the amount of work that does not get accomplished. The way around that is to ensure that communication with your VA is respectful and that you are approachable. That will give your VA the confidence to explain what problem may exist and how to best solve it.
Your second priority is to become an expert at delegation. The better you are at detailing your tasks, the easier it will be to have a predictable output. If you clearly explain the process you wish to have accomplished, then our Results Coaches will ensure to accommodate — continually.
How Do You Become A Delegation Master?
The biggest hurdle to overcome is that you know your business better than anyone. If you do not share the specific tips and tricks you use daily, then how can you expect your VA to succeed? We at The Virtual Hub have created a free master class that will guide you towards exactly what it takes to make the most of your time with your virtual assistant.

✅ If you try to place the demands of a full-time role onto a part time Virtual Assistant, you will end up with a lot of mistakes and too high-pressure of an environment. And yes .... We have seen people try to do this !
✅ In some instances your VA will be quicker and in other instances they will be slower so keep your expectations in check and always discuss with your VA the time frames you would like.
✅ Create a safe and open environment for your VA to communicate with you if something is taking them longer than expected. If you create a sense of fear then they will close up (and yes some people unfortunately, create that energy in their teams so we need to say it upfront !)
What Type Of Virtual Assistant Do You Need?
Our team of 200+ virtual assistants are trained to meet a wide array of needs.