Ever felt the need for proper content marketing tips at any point in your entrepreneurial life?
I have. In fact, I’ve been going through a process for the past 3 months of getting one of my other ventures, Energise Wealth, ready for a relaunch. It is a content-heavy site which relies on web traffic and volume, so marketing done right is key to the success of that business.

Some Brilliant Content Marketing Tips Are Helpful In Easing the Relaunch In The Direction That I Want.
Now when I say ‘I’, I really mean my fantastic virtual assistant because, the truth is, I’ve been off thoroughly enjoying having my first baby. And this is something that we women in business need to keep in mind: we can be successful entrepreneurs AND successful mammas at the same time.
So, listen up, female entrepreneurs!
It doesn’t matter whether you’re tied up having a baby, going on holiday, or focusing on other parts of growing your business. I am giving you 3 powerful content marketing tips that your virtual assistant can (and should) execute for you.

There are tasks that no business owner should have to spend their own time on!
Content marketing, web traffic, and all things business have been the furthest thing from my mind these past 3 months as I indulged in all things babylove instead. I’m still indulging today too and only doing some writing like this as the mood takes me.
Despite that, ‘I’ (a.k.a. my VA) rolled out the biggest content marketing strategy either of us have ever done over the past 3 months – and all without me! Which led me to writing this article, as I know a lot of people can benefit from these content marketing tips I’m only glad to share.
The cream on top is that the strategy has been a roaring success.
Yes, I have a great VA who executed it beautifully but, the reality is, the success of this project really came down to the project setup prior to launch.

3 Tips That Your Content Marketing Virtual Assistant Can Follow To Ensure Success In Your Digital Marketing Efforts:
You can click on these links below to jump on a specific tip:
1. Set Up The Project Beforehand On A Project Management Tool And Have A Briefing With Your Team
This is the most important step among all the content marketing tips here, simply because setting up your project on a project management tool before delegation of work ensures that the proper steps are taken when you step away from the action.
In my case, I set up the entire project in Asana prior to baby’s arrival. It went from strategic direction and WHY we are doing all the tasks and subtasks to a well laid out task plan with clearly set deadlines, troubleshooting, and reporting back guidelines.
We then had a solid meeting about the project rollout and made sure that every member of the team was on the same page.
Note: Asana is a free project management tool online. There are many other ones that are just as effective such as Trello, Teamwork, Podio.
For more on this check out the Virtual Success Podcast I did, on effective project set up with VA’s.

2. Optimise Your Content
This is another effective content marketing tip that you can’t do without, especially if your business also relies on your website content. Optimizing while creating content should make up a large portion of your digital marketing strategy as it helps promote your content (and your business) to the audience that you want.
Energise Wealth has a lot of old content that was not optimised properly when we first did it and wasn’t repurposed to the extent it could have been either – my fault as I didn’t strategise that properly to start with – a big lesson in wasted time learnt there!
At the time, I focused heavily on more and more content instead of realising that time spent capitalising on and leveraging the content we already had would have been more fruitful. This is a common mistake I see tons of businesses making everyday. Producing ever more content without proper optimisation and distribution can be a royal waste of time.
Resource TIP:
I joined Digital Traffic Institute's amazing monthly membership program and heavily availed of their live business hot-seat webinar opportunities where they take your business and workshop a specific strategy live for you, sharing powerful content marketing tips tailored to your business.
All that at $50 per month – the cheapest and best digital advice I’ve ever received. Hop on-board that train for sure.
What made it even better was that my VA was on the call and got the recording so we were able to hit the ground running on the implementation side straight after the call.
My VA was able to do new keyword research to find good long tail keyword phrases that will hopefully get us the right traffic to all this great content I spent 2 years painstakingly creating!

3. Rework And Repurpose Your Old Content
Taking Digital Traffic Institute's marketing tips from their live mastermind calls, we decided to work on our already existing content instead of continually producing new content.
Reworking and repurposing old content not only saves you time from constant new content creation, it also helps you reach a new audience when you promote your old content in a different way. It also gives your already established audience another chance to see content that they may have missed the first time.
Old content can be repurposed in a variety of ways. For instance, blog posts can be turned into infographics or graphic tips on social media, and podcasts can be turned into guides. It’s just a matter of what digital channel you want to use and would fit your old content best.

Virtual Assistant TIP:
Virtual assistants can manage old content relaunches but NOT new content creation, so if you are busy having a baby, go for old content reworks.
3 Things our Virtual Assistants did to repurpose our content
Tactic 1: We transcribed all our videos and podcasts so we had the content in written format too – GREAT for SEO and website traffic.
Virtual Assistant TIP:
Don’t get your VA to transcribe – accuracy is very tough to get anywhere near what you need. Instead, use Rev.com for super cheap, crazy accurate and very fast transcriptions. Set your VA up as account manager on the platform and let them manage it – this is the best thing I did!

Tactic 2: We added our podcast to our YouTube Channel with a few nice slides to make a ‘video’. Use tips and quotes from the content so it can also be used again across social media for distribution of content.
Similarly, we added our YouTube shows to iTunes as a Podcast...because why the hell not?
Tactic 3: Make use of Linkedin as a content marketing platform.
We added my videos and podcast shows to my personal Linkedin account and to our business Linkedin channels.

All this has happened while I’ve been off having an amazing time being a mum to baby Ruby.
It’s a huge project that needs at least 2-3 months to execute properly (longer when you include the repromotion across social media using effective social media calendars and new image creation).
These handy content marketing tips only scale the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, and there are a lot more things you can do to ensure you have a strong marketing strategy that you can easily implement. But if you want to get more juice from the content you already have, then get your virtual assistant onto this strategy.
If you don’t have the help you need yet and you’re interested in hiring a virtual assistant with full helpdesk and success coach support behind them, then you can book an outsourcing strategy call with us today.
And if you're looking for more ways on how a virtual can help you in your business, our Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants will teach you everything that you need to know. The guide talks about every aspect of what a virtual assistant is and gives insights on all things virtual assistant from how you can hire one to how you can most effectively manage one.